Smartphoneware.Best.CallCheater v1.0.S60v5.Symbian OS9.4 nokia

v1.0.S60v5.Symbian OS9.4

Best CallCheater user guide

Turn your smartphone into a device that can give you an alibi and save you from undesired phone calls.
With this program you will be able to play different sounds during a phone conversation, i.e: sounds of street, traffic jam, building site, garden, airport etc.


* Configurable sound rules for contacts, groups, phone numbers and other situations;
* Easy to use and intuitive user interface;
* Possibility to add any sound in amr format to sound list;

How does it work:

You should do the following to set up and activate CallCheater:

* Set the necessary options (Mode, Volume, Repeat playing);
* Configure sound rules;
* Activate Best CallCheater;

When CallCheater is configured and activated, you will see popup window during incoming and outcoming phone calls with following functions:

* Stop/play sound;
* Selected sound file name;

If you have chosen Mode manual, then in order to play a sound you should press play button. If you have chosen Mode automatic, then a sound will be automatically played, and in order to cancel it press stop button. To quickly break a sound during a conversation press stop button.

Sounds' rules:

There're two tabs in this dialog: Sounds and Sounds list.

On a tab Sounds list there is a list of sounds that can be selected for playing. You can do the following operations with this list:

* Play sound;
* Add sound;
* Delete sound;

On Sounds tab, rules for defining a sound during a phone call are configured. A rule has a condition - Enabled/Disabled and a sound, which is set for this rule.

* Default - works only if no other rule is applicable;
* Not in contacts - works when the caller's number cannot be found in contacts database;
* Private No. - works when the caller's number cannot be defined;
* Contact - a certain sound is set for all numbers of a specified contact;
* Group - a certain sound is set for all contacts in a specified group;
* Phone - a mask for numbers is set. The match pattern can contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches a single occurrence of any character.
'*77' - all numbers ending with 77;
'877*' - all numbers beginning with 877;
'12?34' - all numbers like 12034, 12134 ... 12934;


* Mode:
Manual - sound is played when it is selected from a listbox,
Automatic - sound is automatically played when at least one rule suits;
* Repeat playing : On/Off;
* Handle : Only on phone app / Anywhere. If you choose "Only on phone app", keys Down/Up will be handled only in the Phone application.

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