Dual Panel Calendar Widget For Nokia N97
It is a calendar events list in dual panel mode with the following 10 events of your calendar from the current time on. It's made to replace the default Nokia's calendar widget which is really dumb and not very informative.I like to have my important information with just a glance to my mobile, so I'm reminded more frequently of what's "coming next"this week/day.
It's made of 2 widgets: ComingNext & ComingNext B, each showing the first 5 and second 5 elements in your calendar. You can use only 1 if you need the widget space for other things. I have tuned it so it doesn't consume much ram, and it updates in real-time (every 30 secs) only if required, so it uses as little battery as possible.
When tapped it opens up your calendar on current day, just as the original calendar widget. It will ask for your permission to read user data (calendar info) when first added to your homescreen, and it has been denied network access so no information leaves your mobile.
Download to PC clickshere
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