Psiloc Cryptogic Cryptoline Light v1.0 S60v5

Psiloc Cryptogic Cryptoline Light v1.0 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD / 5800 / N97] Apps
Cryptogic utilizes multiple identification and encryption methods that result in security levels that cannot be challenged now or in the foreseeable future.

Key benefits:

* Cryptogic is fully integrated with the mobile phone device; the user can switch easily between either a secure or a regular call.
* Two modes, urban HCSD(3G connection) and non-urban (2G connection) - facilitate the usability of the application and guarantee the right quality of the connection according to the zone.
* The possibility to make calls within 3G networks using the HSCSD, enables faster data transfer. This type of connection ensures the highest possible voice quality and minimal voice delay during encrypted calls.
* One-time pairing procedure provides comfort of use without any loss of safety. The possibility to use pre-paid cards supports the cost - effectiveness of the application.
* During encrypted calls, the application does not connect to any unsafe networks like the Internet.

Cryptogic Line of Voice Encryption Products on mobile devices

Cryptoline Light Encryption Algorithms:

* Key Exchange Frequency - 30 sec
* Diffie-Hellman - 1024
* ARC4 - 1024
* DES - 128

What is needed for Cryptoline Light to work:

* The operators network has to support CSD / HSCSD (Circuit Switched Data / High Speed Circuit Switched Data), and the call is realized on the same version of protocol.

NOTE: The application has to be installed on both the callers’ and receivers’ phones. During encrypted calls, user is charged accordingly with a CSD connection.

Every day, millions of people who recognize the dangers of having confidential information fall into the wrong hands, have the need to use voice encryption software. Our Cryptogic voice encryption technology is especially designed to encrypt your mobile phone calls on the fly, protecting you from eavesdropping and call interceptions. The encryption algorithms used by Cryptogic comply with AES (Advanced Encryption Standards) and DES (Data Encryption Standard) authorized by the National Security Agency for use by the US Government (CNSS Policy NO.15, Fact Sheet No.1):

"The design and strength of all key lengths of the AES algorithm (i.e., 128, 192 and 256) are sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level."

Following Steps to Applying Patch :

1. Install : Psiloc Cryptogic Cryptoline Light
2. OPEN : Cryptogic Cryptoline Light
3. Wait For Installing Component...
4. Close The Application
5. Install Patch.sis

Download to PC clickshere

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