Entetrainer Speedhero Football v1.1 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned

Entetrainer Speedhero Football v1.1 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD/5800/N97/Mini/X6] Apps
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Speedhero Football is the next generation of affordable sports radar in your pocket. With Speedhero Football you can accurately measure the top speed of the football by shooting directly against a wall and easily share results.

Choosing the shooting distance:

Single player => Settings => Distance. Multiplayer => Play => Settings => Distance. The measurement of top speed is based on advanced sound recogition technology using the microphone of your mobile phone – not the camera.

To measure the top speed: Place your phone, for example, on the ground, halfway from the wall.

Measure from the wall and mark down the shooting point ( 5.0 m / 16.4 ft or 11.0 m / 36.1 ft, depending on your selected distance setting). After the whistling sound kick the ball exactly from the marked point directly against the wall (with no bounces or large shooting angles) and Speedhero will then measure your top speed.

Speedhero uses certain algorithms to detect the first impact sound (your contact with the ball) and the second impact sound (the ball’s impact on the wall). Then, using a tested sport specific flight time dynamic formula and the processing power of your mobile phone, Speedhero instantly calculates the top speed of the ball. It's important to get good impact sounds – so a hard kick against a wall, fence or other hard surface works well.

If you can’t get any readings go to Settings and increase the Sensitivity. If you get incorrect readings or Measuring failed notifications: a) check your Distance; b) eliminate the source of the noise and possible echos; c) decrease Sensitivity; or d) shield the phone against the wind. It is recommended to allow Speedhero to always record sound and/or use multimedia. Refer to your phone manual for how to do this. Have fun!

Download to PC Clickshere


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