eyeSight FartControl v1.027 S60v5

[SYMBIAN] eyeSight FartControl v1.027 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Signed 
{Touch Free Fart Machine}
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD/5800/N97/Mini/X6] Apps

The first motion-detecting fart machine! Get your phone to start farting when people go by or as you gesture!

Transform your phone into a Motion detecting Fart machine...
Press “Start” , place your phone next to someone you want to prank, and just wait ‘till they move…

Cover your phone with hand, and Fart Control will make a hilarious ‘constipation’ sound, move hand away to let it finally release the pressure and Fart!

* Press "Start" in the main menu and wait for Fart Control
to count down. You are now ready to laugh.
* Move your hand in front of the phone’s frontal camera,
and a hilarious Fart sound will be heard.
* Place the phone in a strategic location and wait for
someone to go by. Enjoy the look on their face in the end.
* Cover the phone with your hand and see what happens.

* Camera / motion controlled application.
* Use real hand motions to make it fart.
* Extremely funny!
* Built in demonstration video.
* A large variety of fart sounds.

Download to PC Clickshere


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