Cleaner v1.1.1 S60v3v5

[SYMBIAN] Cleaner v1.1.1 S60v3v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned EN
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD/5800/N97/Mini/X6] Apps
Symbian OS 9.1/9.2/9.3 (3250,5500,E50,E60,E61,E90,N71,N73,N80,N82,N91,N92,N93,N95,N85,N96) Apps

Cleaner - cleaner of unnecessary files (a standard browser cache, PAIbTN, system logs).

The program is written in C++

Key features:
-Removes the cache standard browser, PAIbTN, the system logs (deletes files only).

First option: Overall cleanup of C and E
Second option: cleanup C drive
Third option: Cleanup E drive
Forth option: Auto-cleaning function 3 , 6,9,12 and 24 hours.
Fifth option: Help

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