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Mod For SPB Mobile Shell ANDROID NEW by ninad

[Themes]Mod For SPB Mobile Shell ANDROID NEW
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD/5800/N97/Mini/X6] Apps
Symbian^3 [N8/C7/C6/E7] Symbian^3 Anna Bella
Symbian OS 9.1/9.2/9.3 (3250,5500,E50,E60,E61,E90,N71,N73,N80,N82,N91,N92,N93,N95,N85,N96) Apps

Mod For SPB Mobile Shell ANDROID NEW by ninad :)


If this is your first SPB pack which you like to install just follow this steps:

1. Connect your phone to the pc (by bluetooth or cable)
2. Go to the directory where you have installed SPB (C or E) and go to Others
3. Copy the folder SPBShell into the Others folder
4. Now sign the sis-file and install it on your device
5. Select the new Theme file in (System/Personal/Designs/Custom) it is called "Winndows_Hd"
6. Now start your SPB shell
7. Press the Button on the bottom (right) which opens the SPB slide menu
8. Select settings
9. Select Professional for the Layout
10. If you like to use my setting file (all icons will be at the same position like on my device) follow the steps bellow
10.1 Press on the folder which opens the SPB menu
10.2 Press on the settings icon
10.3 Press on the icon on the bottom right
10.4 Press on the middle icon which will load a setting file
10.5 Search the setting file (remember first you should copy that file to your phone it is called "MSettings.set")

SPB tricks: now no need of lock and unlock software
1. enable both layout proffesional and lifestyle
2. remove all shortcuts,icons everything in lifestyle mode
3. now set wallpaper of your wish and place only lock app from tools folder in spb shell
4. thats it your screen saver come lock app is created.
5. to unlock slide upwards or downwards
6. to lock just touch lock app

Filename: androidsymbian.rar

Download to PC Clickshere

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